OPrep1.6 - The learner will develop the interpersonal relationship skills needed for success in the workplace.
- OPrep1.6.01 - Defines the terms friend, co-worker, supervisor, and customer.
- OPrep1.6.02 - Recognizes the importance and desirable characteristics of workplace friends.
- OPrep1.6.03 - Describes appropriate social amenities, social routines, conversational topics, and language for a variety of workplace situations: introductions, greetings, farewells, compliments, apologies, requests, breaktime, same sex conversations, opposite sex conversations, questions/comments from coworkers and supervisors, humorous situations, requests for permission, interruptions, casual conversation, work-related conversation.
- OPrep1.6.04 - Identifies appropriate body language, body space, voice tone, volume, and attitude during social interactions in the workplace: introductions (e.g. shaking hands, voice tone, body posture, eye contact, etc.), conversation, customer interactions, coworker interactions.
- OPrep1.6.05 - Explains methods of demonstrating cooperation, camaraderie, cheerfulness, and empathy in the workplace: attitude, conversation, gestures, tokens of helpfulness, expressions of concern/sympathy, recognition of special occasions, written greetings/condolences, company sponsored recreation and social events.